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victoria 2

Registered Manager – Ross Wildey

Ofsted rating – GOOD

At Victoria, we offer a nurturing home for 2 young people or up to 3 siblings and place the children and young people at the heart of all we do, from decision making through inclusion, to planning and implementing changes.

The skilled staff team, is passionate about the young people’s care and ensure they feel welcome, cared for and safe. Having the expertise to see beyond displayed behaviours, and the ability to address the underlying reasons and insecurities, helps to build the positive relationships which help the young people to progress.

We offer a robust structure to daily life for young people up to their 18th birthday. We support the young people to thrive and grow, encouraging them to achieve their goals and recognise their personal values, needs and aspirations.

Education is paramount to success and young people here are well supported in their education and learning by the staff team and through excellent partnerships with the local schools.

Positive opportunities are encouraged to enhance young people’s lives and meet their physical, recreational, social and emotional needs. We encourage the young people to grow aspire and achieve, supporting each young person to develop into confident young people ready to progress into adult life.

We are close to the Lake District with lots of opportunities to experience outdoor physical activities such as ghyll scrambling, kayaking and mountain climbing to name but a few.

Children here are happy and healthy, and are proud of the home and environment that they have helped to build.


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